Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Rith the Awakener

Welcome, fellow Magic players to the first article of Alluring Treasure's EDH Deck techs. These articles are all about the local AT players and their EDH lists. We will take a look at their lists, talk to their designers, and see overall if their lists are something you might consider for EDH play.

First off quick introduction, My name is Brandon Agenbroad, a casual regular to Alluring Treasures. I was one of the few people to get the EDH league at AT off the ground and into play for a 4 month season. Overall, the league left some bad tastes in people's mouths, but it did encourage quite a bit of EDH play. These articles are meant to do much of the same. Hopefully, seeing weekly content about EDH players locally will inspire more people to take up EDH here in our area.

Our first submission comes from Matt Woods, store regular, resident lumberjack, 1st AT EDH League champion and overall nice gent. Matt brings us a take on one of the classic themes in EDH: tokens.

Lands                                                                                                 Artifacts
7 Plains                                                                                                Sol Ring
6 Forests                                                                                              Selesnya Signet
5 Mountain                                                                                          Chromatic Lantern
Gruul Turf                                                                                           Coalition Relic
Krosan Verge                                                                                      Solemn Simulacrum
Boros Garrison                                                                                    Gilded Lotus
Selsenya Sanctuary                                                                             Boros Signet
Clifftop Retreat                                                                                  Darksteel Ingot
Rootbound Crag                                                                                 Eldrazi Monument
Fire-Lit Thicket                                                                                   Gruul Signet
Rugged Prairie                                                                                    Akroma's Memorial
Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion                                                        Wurmcoil Engine
Sunpetal Grove                                                                                   Enchantments
Temple of the False God                                                                    Dragon Roost
Vitu-Ghazi, The City-Tree                                                                  Intangible Virtue
Jungle Shrine                                                                                       True Conviction
Gavony Township                                                                               Doubling Season
Boseiju, Who Shelters All                                                                   Collective Blessing
Kessig Wolf Run                                                                                Mobilization
Reliquary Tower                                                                                 Luminarch Ascension
                                                                                                            Parallel Lives
Instants                                                                                               Gaea's Anthem
Path to Exile                                                                                       Glorious Anthem
Captain's Maneuver                                                                            Aura Shards
Congregate                                                                                          Predatory Advantage
Swords to Plowshares                                                                         Sorceries
Wild Ricochet                                                                                     Hour of Reckoning
                                                                                                            Titanic Ultimatum
Planeswalkers                                                                                    Overrun
Garruk Wildspeaker                                                                            Martial Coup
Elspeth Tirel                                                                                        Decree of Justice
Garruk, Primal Hunter                                                                        Nomad's Assembly

Verdant Force                                                                                     Rhys, the Redeemed
Sigarda, Host of Herons                                                                     Ant Queen
Dragonmaster Outcast                                                                         Dragonlair Spider
Utavara Hellkite                                                                                  Mycoloth
Worldspine Wurm                                                                               Avenger of Zendikar
Kamahl, Fist of Krosa                                                                         Mikaeus, the Lunarch
Urabrask, the Hidden                                                                         Geist-Honored Monk 
Trostani, Selesnya's Voice                                                                  Loxodon Hierarch
Soul Warden                                                                                       Essence Warden

This list is pretty simple in what it does. It wants to make millions of creature, place some pump effects behind them and swarm the board to victory. Zerg Rush anyone? Do not take my word for it. I sat down and discussed some of the finer workings of this list with the creator, Matt Woods

Matt: This deck can do some unfair things. Landing Luminarch Ascension turn 2 against your opponents is often backbreaking and overpowered. This deck is mana hungry, always wanting to tap out to make more dudes or increase your board size. The only time you ever leave mana up is to abuse Rhys' second ability and double the board size. Outside of Rhys, my favorite card in this list is Wild Ricochet. This little card can create huge blowouts. My favorite play with this card: Wild Ricocheting an opponent's Fling which had flung a huge Lord of Extinction, killing that opponent and taking someone else out at the same time. At the same time, I have debated taking out Reliquary Tower and Overrun simply because they just do not do enough to warrant a main deck slot.

Matt: While the ideal plan for this deck is to play token generators and anthems, sometimes you just can land them. That is why this deck packs a few good creatures and spells that are inherently good on their own. That way, if the board does not favor token generation, you still have a game plan to get in the game. This deck does not like to see people who continuously use land destruction or disruption, since this deck wants man every day till Sunday.

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